
Wednesday, March 4, 2015



Vision STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta is becoming a world-class high schools that excel in the field of information and communication technology-based entrepreneurship (private entrepreneur university). STMIKAMIKOM Yogyakarta would be the best universities in Indonesia in the field of information and communication technology-based entrepreneurship in 2013 and became the best universities in Southeast Asia in the field of information and communication technology-based entrepreneurship in 2020. Being the best in Asia in 2025 and became the world's leading on 2030 Private entrepreneur university college is measured by using the standard UNESCO profit generating income from the fields of research and services.

Currently STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta has become Best Universities Indonesia Model Private Entrepreneur by UNESCO.

STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta has a mission:

1.       World-class higher education in the field of information and communication technology-based entrepreneurship.
2.       Carry out research studies in the field of information and communication technology world quality that can contribute to enhance national competitiveness.
3.       Organizing services of community service in a professional manner in order to participate in solving the problems of the world and national levels, especially in the field of information and communication technology.
4.       Education of global standards through partnerships and networking of national, regional and global.

STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta has a purpose:

1.       Produce quality graduates global, entrepreneurial and professional in the disciplines of information technology and communications.
2.       Produce research and product quality information and communication technology can play a role global increase national competitiveness.
3.       Organizing services of community service in a professional manner in order to participate in solving the global and national issues, especially in the field of information and communication technology.
4.       Education of global standards through partnerships and networking of national, regional and global.


A.       Study Program D3-IT

Vision-IT D3 Studies Program are:

In 2021 became flagship Informatics Engineering Program in the World Information and Communication Technology-based entrepreneurship. Ranked by Webometrics July 2011, STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta was ranked the world in 2168, in Southeast Asia is ranked 79 out of all universities in Southeast Asia. For College (High School, Polytechnic, Academy), STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta is ranked 2 of the entire College in Southeast Asia.

Mission Study Program D3-IT is:

1.       Excellent in the field of education, namely:
1.       Implement and develop high-quality education, productive and professional.
2.       Building a conducive academic atmosphere to support teaching and learning, individual coaching, and development of character.
3.       Encourage efforts to improve the quality of human resources (students, faculty and staff) through continuing education, so insightful, have a global perspective, and a true understanding of the environmental conditions.
4.       Increase understanding of the use of information technology and mastery in the field of information technology, especially the concentration of Web Programming - Database, Multimedia - Cartoon Film and Computer Networks.
2.       Excellent in the field of research, namely:
1.       Carry out research in order to develop knowledge on an ongoing basis
2.       Encourage the growth of creativity to produce works in the field of information technology for the benefit of society
3.       Are recognized nationally and internationally in the field of research by producing new works in the field of information technology or interdisciplinary.
3.       Excellent in the field of community service, namely:
1.       Carry out community service in a professional manner
2.       Implement guidance academicians and encourage a close and good relationship with the environment.
3.       Applying expertise in the application of information systems to produce useful and easy to use by the IT community and the general public.
4.       Providing high-quality human resources capable of working in various fields, able to promote new breakthroughs in the field of information technology, and consistently strive to increase the welfare of the community.
4.       Excellent in management and services, namely:
1.       Conducting professional administrative services
2.       Using quality assurance quality control to ensure that the implementation of the Tri Darma college is running correctly and professionally

Indicators D3-IT graduates are:

1.       Competence that can compete globally.
2.       Having the ability to lead.
3.       Have the entrepreneurial spirit.
4.       Professionals in the disciplines of information technology and communications.
5.       Have the ability to work professionally as a team.

A.       Study Program D3-MI

Vision Study Program D3-MI is:
In the year 2021 became informatics management courses world-class excellence in the field of information and communication technology-based entrepreneurship.
Mission Study Program D3-MI is:
1.       Excellent in management and services, namely:
1.       Conducting professional administrative services
2.       Using quality assurance quality control to ensure that the implementation of the Tri Darma college is running correctly and professionally.
2.       Excel in the field of education, namely:
1.       Implement and develop high-quality education, productive and professional.
2.       Building a conducive academic atmosphere to support teaching and learning, individual coaching, and development of character.
3.       Encourage efforts to improve the quality of human resources (students, faculty and staff) through continuing education, so insightful, have a global perspective, and a true understanding of the environmental conditions.
4.       Increase understanding of the use of information technology and mastery in the field of information systems, especially the concentration of E-commerce, based Multimedia Information Systems and Computerized Accounting.
3.       Excellent in research, namely:
1.       Carry out research in order to develop knowledge
2.       Encourage the growth of creativity to produce works in the field of information technology, especially information systems, for the benefit of society
3.       Are recognized nationally and internationally in the field of research by producing new works corresponding concentration field of E-commerce, based Multimedia Information Systems and Computerized Accounting or interdisciplinary.
4.       Excellent in community service, namely:
1.       Carry out community service.
2.       Implement guidance academicians and encourage a close and good relationship with the environment.
3.       Applying expertise in information management applications to produce useful and easy to use by the IT community and the general public.
4.       Providing high-quality human resources capable of working in various fields, able to promote new breakthroughs in the field of information systems, and consistent effort to improve the welfare of the community.
Alumni Indicators Study Program D3-MI is:
1.       Competence that can compete globally.
2.       Having the ability to lead.
3.       Have the entrepreneurial spirit.
4.       Professionals in the disciplines of information and communication technologies, especially the field of management science
5.       Information Technology with concentrations of E-commerce, based Multimedia Information Systems and Computerized
6.       Accounting.
7.       Have the ability to work professionally as a team.

B.      Program S1-IT

Vision Program S1-IT are:
In 2021 became flagship Informatics Engineering Program in the World Information and Communication Technology-based entrepreneurship.
Mission Program S1-IT are:
1.       Excellent in the field of education, namely:
1.       Implement and develop high-quality education, productive and professional.
2.       Building a conducive academic atmosphere to support teaching and learning, individual coaching, and development of character.
3.       Encourage efforts to improve the quality of human resources (students, faculty and staff) through continuing education, so insightful, have a global perspective, and a true understanding of the environmental conditions.
4.       Increase understanding of the use of information technology and mastery in the field of information technology, especially the concentration of Web Programming - Database, Multimedia - Cartoon Film and Computer Networks.
2.       Excellent in the field of research, namely:
1.       Carry out research in order to develop knowledge on an ongoing basis
2.       Encourage the growth of creativity to produce works in the field of information technology for the benefit of society
3.       Are recognized nationally and internationally in the field of research by producing new works in the field of information technology or interdisciplinary.
3.       Excellent in the field of community service, namely:
1.       Carry out community service in a professional manner
2.       Implement guidance academicians and encourage a close and good relationship with the environment.
3.       Applying expertise in the application of information systems to produce useful and easy to use by the IT community and the general public.
4.       Providing high-quality human resources capable of working in various fields, able to promote new breakthroughs in the field of information technology, and consistently strive to increase the welfare of the community.
4.       Excellent in management and services, namely:
1.       Carry out community service in a professional manner
2.       Using quality assurance quality control to ensure that the implementation of the Tri Darma college is running correctly and professionally
Indicators Alumni Program S1-IT are:
1.       Competence that can compete globally.
2.       Having the ability to lead.
3.       Have the entrepreneurial spirit.
4.       Professionals in the disciplines of information technology and communications.
5.       Have the ability to work professionally as a team.

C.      Program S1-SI

Vision Program S1-SI is:
In 2021 became Studies Program Information System World Class Excellence in the Field of Information and Communication Technology-based entrepreneurship. Ranked by Webometrics July 2011, STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta was ranked the world in 2168, in Southeast Asia is ranked 79 out of all universities in Southeast Asia. For College (High School, Polytechnic, Academy), STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta is ranked 2 of the entire College in Southeast Asia. Currently STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta as the College of the World Pilot Model Private Entrepreneur by UNESCO since 2009.
Mission Program S1-SI is:
1.       Excellent in management and services, namely:
1.       Conducting professional administrative services
2.       Using quality assurance quality control to ensure that the implementation of the Tri Darma college is running correctly and professionally
2.       Excellent in the field of education, namely:
1.       Implement and develop high-quality education, productive and professional.
2.       Building a conducive academic atmosphere to support teaching and learning, individual coaching, and development of character.
3.       Encourage efforts to improve the quality of human resources (students, faculty and staff) through continuing education, so insightful, have a global perspective, and a true understanding of the environmental conditions.
4.       Increase understanding of the use of information technology and mastery in the field of information systems, especially the concentration of E-commerce, Multimedia Design and Accounting Information Systems.
3.       Excellent in research, namely:
1.       Carry out research in order to develop knowledge
2.       Encourage the growth of creativity to produce works in the field of information technology, especially information systems, for the benefit of society
3.       Are recognized nationally and internationally in the field of research by producing new works corresponding concentration field of E-commerce, Multimedia Design and Accounting Information Systems or interdisciplinary.

4.       Excellent in community service, namely:

1.       Carry out community service.
2.       Implement guidance academicians and encourage a close and good relationship with the environment.
3.       Applying expertise in the application of information systems to produce useful and easy to use by the IT community and the general public.
4.       Providing high-quality human resources capable of working in various fields, able to promote new terobosanterobosan field of information systems, and consistent effort to improve the welfare of the community.

D.       Studies Program S2-MTI

Vision Study Program S2-MTI is:
Become a master study program that best informatics techniques in Southeast Asia.
Mission Studies Program S2 MTI is:
1.       Producing quality graduates globally and spirited entreprenuer.
2.       Produce quality research global and global community service.
3.       Trust the global community.
To realize the vision and mission, Master of Information Technology Program to develop a multidisciplinary approach, using research-based teaching methods and problem solving as well as students are educated and trained to acquire special skills in the field of information technology. Moreover, the complexity and challenges that continue to thrive in the information technology sector, the Master of Information Technology Program has three concentrations, namely:
·         CIO Management
Focuses on the acquisition:
1.       ICT development, technology and business potential of ICT in the context of the utilization of opportunities for organizations and organizational transformation
2.       Formulation and the availability of ICT governance in the vision, mission and goals of the organization that ensures compatibility between business strategy and ICT strategy so that the dynamics of the organization is always towards the goal.
·         Information Systems
Focuses on the acquisition:
1.       Ilmu pengetahuan dalam pengelolaan informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif suatu enterprise
2.       Analisis, perancangan, dan evaluasi suatu sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi yang aman termasuk penerapan teknologi terbaru dalam membangun sistem informasi
3.       Pembangunan, pengembangan dan pengelolaan sistem informasi dalam berbagai bidang enterprise dengan teknik-teknik pengambilan keputusan berbasis informasi untuk mendukung efektifitas keputusan dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan organisasi termasuk pemilihan platform teknologi informasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan enterprise
·         Digital Media Technology
Focuses on the acquisition:
1.       Mechanical modeling and three-dimensional reconstruction and be able to implement them in the development of an interactive three-dimensional environment
2.       The principle of animated films, covering technical, artistic, commercial and able to implement in the production of animated films, including the development of techniques in animation system
3.       Overall game design from idea, playtesting to prototype, equipped with a complete design document
4.       Understanding and mastering the skill of a producer overall game of preparation, teamwork, to management and work schedule
5.       Making digital creative work both independently and in teams equipped with business development in the field of digital creative industry.


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