
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lombok tourism spot Do not ever come to Lombok, then you do not want to go home (Nambung beach, Semeti Beach, Tanjung Bloam, Maringkik Beach, Rinjani Mountain)

It's true .. ?? Lombok there is a saying that is often pronounced "Do not ever come to Lombok, then you do not want to go home". These words sound very trivial, but have you ever tried it because your curiosity .. ???. alright in my post you will know why the people of Lombok many say that adage. It is a variety of places in Lombok who became paradise for tourists both local and International. even if you are the original Lombok I'm sure you do not necessarily know where this place. Let us start from the southern end of the region of western Lombok Sekotong.

  1. Nambung beach
Nambung beach is located in the area of Sekotong. The beach is fairly unique, since the merger between waterfalls and beaches. cliff waterfall formed naturally gives incredibly indulgent eye to see it ... Overview of the front looks like a gate. Do you want to taste the water .. ?? of course the water is salty,, ever imagined in your mind there is a waterfall where the water is salty .. here Nambung Beach

     2. Semeti Beach

This beach is located in Central Lombok Praya area. It is truly amazing beaches. People say this is a fairy tale, the tank Lombok. This beach is a beach which is quite different from the other beaches in Lombok beach because the beach is full of rocks composed resemble beautiful aquarium. When you see this beach you will imagine the colossal film. Yups, this place is like Cloud Cuckoo Land.

     3. Tanjung Bloam

Tanjung Bloam it's called. I as the Lombok do not know why this place is given named bloam. hmmmm never mind about the name is not necessary, we should see what kind of place. Bloam promontory located in the eastern part of southern Lombok, bersebrangan with pink beach. Tanjung Bloam become a tourist attraction that is not less interesting to other beaches. thus seem cape bloam place where you will feel in paradise

      4. Maringkik Beach

      5. Rinjani Mountain

Mount Rinjani has a lot of baths, ranging from cold water bath until the hot water, in addition to the baths there are also many beautiful caves. and the most amazing is the lake that is located right in kawanya

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