
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Profil STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta


Kampus Terpadu AMIKOM
Jl. Ring Road Utara, Condong Catur, Sleman, Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Telp: (0274) 884201 - 207
Fax: (0274) 884208
E-Mail Humas:

Why study at STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta??

STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta has competitive advantages
supporting its graduates to compete in the
global market.
The competitive advantages are: all the academic activities based on IT;
internationally certified lecturers with competence in their fields; a variety
of business units to equip graduates with work experience through
the real-world labs that cover: Television Studio (RBTV), a place for students
to learn how to manage TV stations, program planning, production
and post production and broadcasting; Radio Studio (MQ FM), a
place for students to learn various things related to radio broadcasting;
Internet Service Company (Time Excelindo Internet Service Provider),
a business unit for students to work and learn to manage their ISP,
web hosting, web design, network administration, online system, and
data communication; Animation, Multimedia, and Broadcast Company
(MSV), a business unit for students to develop the ability to manage
the multimedia business like cartoon production, company profile, media
planner, TV commercial, and TV programs; Software Development
Company, a business unit for students to develop skills in various things
related to software engineering; international study programs including
Cisco Academy and Oracle Certified Academy; language and computer
laboratories supporting the development of expertise; and a variety of
programs leading to the development of soft skills of students.

for more information, you can visit the official web amikom below.


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