
Monday, March 2, 2015

Excess STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta

Excess STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta
The development of IT in Indonesia is very rapid, so in Indonesia requires a Human Resources (HR) is qualified. The students of high school graduates also see opportunities and good employment prospects in this field, they flocked to enroll them into the University of the best and support in the areas that will they pursue.
They were definitely looking for the best campus as a place to seek knowledge.
Therefore, many of the equivalent of high school graduates who choose STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA as where they seek knowledge. As best technology campus in Yogyakarta, STMIK AMIKOM train soft skills and hard skills of the students, their college not only get knowledge gained from the course, but they also are given the ability to organize, socialize, and make something useful and positive, it is no wonder if many of the students of STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA who got the achievement of national and even international. YOGYAKARTA AMIKOM STMIK profile can be read here.
Things you must know of STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA namely:

·         STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Students AMIKOM famous for his achievements, they have to solve dozens of national and international achievements, achievements that have achieved more you can see here: ACHIEVEMENT.

·         LECTURER: Lecturers pengampu AMIKOM student is competent lecturers have choice in their field, the list of lecturers AMIKOM you can see here: LECTURER

·         E-LEARNING & DIGITAL LIBRARY: As a technology-based campus, AMIKOM launched a program of E-Learning and Digital Library to facilitate access to learning students: E-LEARNING & DIGILIB

Many other advantages of campus-based technology is number 1 in Yogyakarta, there is no doubt that the intention of becoming a college campus IT best in Asia makes him a favorite campus to explore the science of Informatics and Communications.


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