
Monday, March 2, 2015



Yogyakarta.AMICTA, Amikom ICT Award is an event race copyrighted works and innovations in the field of information and communication technologies for the entire academic community AMIKOM Yogyakarta. AMICTA held annually since 2008. This year, 2015 is the organization of the 8th was officially launched on February 21, 2015 with the launch of the official web

    Head of P3M STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, Heri Sismoro express purpose AMICTA organized in 2015 to build an atmosphere of competition at the same time achieving the potential of ICT in the work of the academic community environment STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, in preparation for a competition every aspect of ICT national and international level. For works entered the nominees will be facilitated by the process of proposing the work's intellectual property rights.

    In order to enhance the enthusiasm of the participants, chairman of the executive committee AMICTA 2015, Tri Susanto said AMICTA launching in 2015 was conducted in two stages, on February 21, 2015 carried through the soft launching social media twitter, web facebookdan AMICTA, this effort is done in anticipation of the holiday atmosphere because it is still under study. While launching the second phase will be held on March 7, 2015 in Space Imagery II STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta.

    The theme in 2015 is the implementation of ICT AMICTA Hero. A Hero (ed. Heroes) in the field of ICT are expected to contribute to the advancement of AMIKOM in particular, and the progress of the Nation in the sense luas.Tidak limited idea of ​​the idea, not only as a programmer, not just an innovator, but a work that bias is implemented for the betterment of the nation .

    On the mat AMICTA 9th, there will be 11 categories of competition among which Health & Well-being, Tourism & Hospitality, Education & Culture, finanical & SME, Research & Development, Games, Interactive Digital Media, Digital Animation, E- Inclusion, Tool and Infrastructuredan Applicative Robot.

For the entire academic community who wish to participate directly apply his bias through the website: (AL, ADH)


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